For a long time, people thought science, tech, engineering, and math—the STEM fields—were mostly for boys. That made girls feel like these areas weren’t for them. Women continue to be underrepresented in jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (European Commission). Women make up only 19% of computer science professionals and 12% of engineering professionals in the United Kingdom (2022).

Along with this gender inequality, the STEM workforce is suffering a serious shortage of trained graduates needed to fill STEM employment vacancies. But things are changing now! Some games make STEM stuff fun for girls and help them get interested in these subjects.

Previously, most people thought only boys enjoyed or excelled at STEM. This made girls feel left out, or like they shouldn’t even try to learn about these things. But now, there are lots of games that are all about STEM made just for girls.

Challenges Faced by Girls in STEM Education

Some things make it tough for girls who want to learn about science, tech, engineering, and math (you know, STEM). Let’s talk about these challenges:

Societal expectations and biases

First off, there’s this idea in society that girls should like certain things and boys should like other stuff. It’s like an invisible rule saying girls shouldn’t be into science or math as much as boys. That’s not fair, right? This thinking stops some girls from even trying STEM subjects because they feel they’re not supposed to.

Lack of role models and encouragement

Second, there’s a lack of role models and cheerleaders. Sometimes, girls don’t see many women doing cool stuff in STEM fields. Without encouraging them, it can feel like going into STEM isn’t something they can do. Imagine if there were more awesome women showing how amazing STEM can be—that’d make a big difference, don’t you think?

Discrimination and harassment

Finally, women in STEM frequently face discrimination and harassment. 58% of women in STEM disciplines have experienced harassment, according to data collected by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. This harassment can vary from sexist remarks to sexual assault, and it can have long-term consequences for women’s mental health and career prospects.

So, these challenges make it harder for girls who want to go into STEM. But the good news is, by changing these things, we can help more girls feel like they belong and can rock it in STEM!

Empowering Girls through STEM Games

That is wonderful! Using games to empower girls in STEM is a creative and entertaining method. Games have the potential to make learning more enjoyable and accessible while also developing abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. There are several ways you could design games to encourage girls in STEM:

  • Puzzle-based Games: Create tasks or puzzles that need to be solved using STEM knowledge. These may include logic, mathematics, engineering principles, or coding.
  • Interactive Story Games: Create games with strong female characters who excel in STEM fields. This can inspire and motivate girls by providing relatable role models.
  • Collaborative Games: Develop multiplayer or collaborative games that promote teamwork and cooperation to tackle STEM-related problems.
  • Gamified Learning Platforms: Develop platforms where girls may master STEM subjects and advance via levels or earn awards, making studying more fun.

Remember that these games must be inclusive, user-friendly, and engaging to various audiences. So, these STEM games are like superheroes—they make learning STEM awesome and exciting for girls. With games like these, girls can have a blast while becoming superstars in science and tech! How cool is that?

How STEM Games Challenge Stereotypes

Let’s examine how these STEM games are breaking those old stereotypes and making a real difference:

  • Breaking barriers through gameplay: Firstly, these games are like bulldozers crashing down boundaries. They don’t care about old rules saying who should play what. Instead, they invite everyone—boys, girls, and anyone who wants to play and learn! This breaks the idea that particular games are only for certain people. 
  • Encouraging interest and confidence: You know what’s very cool? These games aren’t only entertaining; they act as magnets, attracting girls to subjects related to STEM. Girls become interested in video games when they see characters like them tackling difficult tasks or making cool things. It’s like a lightbulb moment—they suddenly realize, “Hey, I can do this too!”

These games act as confidence builders. Girls start to believe they can handle difficult situations. When they succeed in these games, they learn they can also succeed in real life. That’s a game-changer right there! So, how about these STEM games? They are more than just entertainment. They are silent game changers, inspiring girls to explore and master STEM fields.

How to support women in STEM

There are many ways to support women in STEM and assist them in overcoming challenges. One approach would be to encourage young females to seek STEM education and employment. Parents, schools, and mentors can give females opportunities to explore STEM fields and gain confidence.

Another method to encourage women in STEM is to ask for equal pay and representation. Companies can examine their recruiting and promotion policies to ensure women have equal opportunities and are paid fairly. Women can also help one another by joining professional organizations and networking groups.

Imagine if parents and everyone around children encouraged their interest in science and technology. That’s the kind of society we want to live in—one in which every child believes they belong in STEM, no matter who they are. We are breaking down barriers and making STEM learning fun for everyone by working together and developing these environments.


In conclusion, these STEM games created specifically for girls are a big step forward in changing the old ideas about who can enjoy science and technology. They’re not only fun but also show girls they can be fantastic at STEM subjects! But there’s still work to do to change people’s thoughts about girls and STEM. If we keep backing up girls who love science and tech, they can achieve incredible things in the future! So, let’s keep cheering them on and ensuring everyone knows that STEM is for everyone!

Randy Russell
Randy Russell

Hi, I am the editor and founder of STEMGames, an expert in STEM education with a background in developing online courses, climate science education, and professional development workshops. He is passionate about using simulations and games for kids.

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